Studies Prove Compliant With Regulated Septic Tanks

No Complaints When It Comes To Inspected Septic Tanks

septic system

Community councils have visited hundreds of homes, businesses and farms, which have registered septic tanks and asked about its functionality. The results have shown that more than half the interviewed people are happy with how septic systems and tanks are working in their properties or in a place nearby.

This helps prove that if you keep good care of things and follow the recommendations that experts share with us all of the time, you should not have any problem with your septic tanks.  Researchers have gone the extra mile and also handed out pamphlets and other sources of information in order to help people improve the conditions of their septic systems and make them function properly at all times.

Although some septic system owners were notified at least 10 days prior the researcher visit, it is obvious that they have been taking good care of their septic tanks for a very long time.

So if you own a septic system, remember that they can be very helpful and you only need to take good care of them, inspect them regularly and make sure that a septic tank expert helps you when needed.

Please remember to share and like this blog post, so that more people can read about the studies that some researchers are doing on septic tanks and so that more people can see that these systems are really not dangerous at all.

A Little History About Septic Systems

The Invention Of The Septic System

Septic System

It is believed that septic systems, first appeared in France and that a man by the name of, John Mouras, first thought of them.  The records show that septic tanks started appearing around 1860 and since then, they have made our communities a nicer place to live.

Mouras’ septic tank design was made out of concrete and clay.  It was built in Mouras’ home and the tank was in his yard.  When Mouras was dismantling the system, after using it for 10 years, he noticed that his waste was not there anymore and that only some liquid remained.  With the help of some scientists, Mouras found out that this was a great way to get rid of human waste and soon submitted the papers that he needed to get a patent.

By 1881, Mouras had a patent on his septic system design and two years later, the system was being used in the US.   The British would then take the system to Africa and from there it would reach other countries as well.  The importance of the septic system cannot be emphasized enough and if it wasn’t for people like Mouras, our communities would be entirely different.

While today, not many people consider installing a septic system in their home, there are millions who still benefit from them and that are thankful for this invention.

Septic Systems Have A Lifetime

Your Septic System Will Not Last Forever

Septic Systems

It is common to think that your household’s most expensive repairs and renovation projects will be your roof and furnace, but the reality is that if your home has a septic system installed, it will most likely not last  forever and you will need to repair  or replace it at one time of your life.  So having a budget saved for this sort of emergency, is a must, if you own a septic system, as you may depend on it and having problems, could really affect your life.

According to some studies, the life span of a septic system is usually around 15 to 30 years.   It is common for tanks to corrode after some time, due to the humidity, moisture and water that is constantly within your home’s septic system.

The soil and groundwater around your septic tank, will also affect its life span and this will be very different in every home.  The things that you flush down your toilet, will also affect how long your septic system will last and how often you will have to clean it.  If you flush things other than toilet paper and human waste down your toilet, your septic system will most likely last a lot less, than if you only flush these things.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to detect when a septic system is failing and this is why, checking it on a regular basis, could help you to save a ton of money and problems.  Installing a septic system, can cost more than $15000, which is why taking care of the one that you have right one, is a very smart idea.

Nothing lasts forever and since your septic system, is used almost on a daily basis, it will most likely last less, than those things that are not used on a regular basis. We can conclude that home owners who have a septic system, need to have some money saved up, in case their system fails and requires repairing. That septic systems need to be inspected on a regular basis and that it is not cheap to install or repair a septic system.

So be careful and check your septic system, as frequently as you can, so you don’t suffer from sudden failures and have to spend a lot of money, on emergency septic system repairs.

Caring For Your Septic System and Water

New Laws For Septic Systems And Water May Be Coming Our Way!


As the world becomes more aware of protecting our environment and eco-friendly things, authorities are also gaining knowledge about this and some are deciding to inspect septic systems and water on a more regular basis.

There are many homes, which have septic systems installed and do not inspect them frequently or do not even pump them out, every once in a while.  Many people will only worry about their septic systems and water when they see some disgusting stuff coming back from their septic tanks through their pipes and bathroom lines.   This can not only be a really bad experience for anyone, but it can also become a health hazard and get you penalized in some communities.

Some septic tank pumping company employees’ have claimed to have had to use a shovel in order to clean out septic tanks over the years and this is only proof of the negligence that some people have and how much filth can accumulate in a septic tank over time. So consider inspecting or pumping your septic tank, because it can save you tons of money in the future and it is also a healthy thing to do.

As said above, some authorities are becoming more concerned with the environment and they are coming up with laws to protect it.  Some of these laws are now including septic systems and what is happening in Tallahassee is a perfect example. Authorities in this part of the country are now trying to regulate how many times each home inspects and pumps their septic tank per year, which is certainly a smart idea and should help everyone to live a better life.

Just as other communities and states are now regulating these things in households, the state of North Carolina, may also come up with some laws for this, which is why you should be prepared to start inspecting and pumping your septic system today.

At Lake Norman Septic, we are always ready to help you out with this and you can give us a call at any time.  Feel free to browse through our past blog posts, to learn more about septic tanks and systems.  If you have any questions or doubts, just grab the phone and give us a call.  We have many satisfied customers and we will work hard to make you one too.

Spring Could Bring Problems To Septic Systems

Preventing Septic System Problems During Spring



Because many regions of the US have had a very tough winter this year, it is possible that spring may bring some problems to septic systems and their owners.  The speedy melting of snow and some spring rains, may cause runoff from septic systems, which could contaminate other water sources or areas.

While it may be very difficult for this to happen, as most rural areas and agricultural land now follow certain procedures and standards for not having any of their livestock waste runoff into other septic systems, it is possible for some areas to experience problems and people should do their best to stay away from surface water, as there will be some high risk of bacteria levels and other waterborne diseases.

There are still however, some areas which are poorly placed or that have some damaged fields and this means that some water sources could become contaminated very easily.  At the moment, authorities in several states are concerned about their rising streams and rivers, as these could be the water sources, which get contaminated first and take the bacteria to communities nearby.

Although their primary concerns are raising streams and rivers, authorities are also recommending people who live in rural areas or who have septic tanks to watch for flooding signs, as this may happen even if you do not live in a flood risk area.

The most critical warning sign to watch for is standing water on top of your septic system.   This is an obvious sign that your septic system or tank is not draining as it should be.  If you find some of your home’s drain to be working slower than usual or causing some gurgling, it might also mean that the septic system you have installed is experiencing some problems.

 If this happens to you, it would be a good idea to reduce the pressure on the system by using less water than you usually do.  If at all possible, you should stop using the septic system when you suspect that there might be a flooding problem or saturation problem, as this will prevent wastewater from being treated and it will only become a pollution source.

It is not a very good idea to pump your tank while the ground around it is saturated or even to use other equipment to try and reduce the water in the ground around the tank, as this could cause the situation to become even worse.

The best thing to do is to try and conserve as much water as possible and to wait for the system to restore itself and the water levels to drop down.

Septic Tanks And Running Water During Cold Temperatures

Septic tans and cold weather

Septic tanks and cold weather

Septic systems can easily freeze when there are cold temperatures and frost is running deep under the ground.  People, who live in rural areas and have a septic system installed in their properties, should be very careful about running water to keep their lines open.

If the temperatures are really cold and you keep adding water to your septic system, it could cause the entire system to freeze completely and lead to more problems in your home.  Residences, which have a septic system installed, should consider installing an alternative method for keeping their water pipes flowing with water properly, as this will prevent their septic systems from freezing.

Mark Mathre, who is an environmental health specialist, stated “lots of communities are having trouble with freezing water lines, which is a fairly new issue for the larger systems.  The easy fix is to tell people it’s a good idea to let the water drip.  That is one of the worst ideas for a septic system, because it really increases the risk of freeze up.”

Here are some more tips, which will help any septic system owner, to prevent freezing and other problems:

  • Do not let water run, if you own and are using a septic system.
  • Dripping fixtures, like toilets and faucets, should be repaired immediately.  If at all possible, using a condensation discharge from a high-efficiency furnace can help to prevent your septic system from freezing up.
  • Immersion-type tank heaters and stock tank heaters are also a good way to prevent your system’s tank from freezing.
  • Insulating your septic tank is an excellent way to prevent it from freezing and this can be done by piling up snow or covering the top of your septic tank.

If you are having other types of problems with your septic tank you can always contact Lake Norman Septic and we will help you solve your problems.

Thankfully, the cold winter days are almost over now and you will not have to worry much longer about your septic system freezing up.

Do Septic Systems Affect Water Quality?

Studies on The Effects of Septic Systems in the Environment

septic systems

Around 25% of homes in the United States are not connected to the community sewage systems and have a separate septic system installed.  The Environmental Protection Agency has found that at least 48.5% of homes in the State of North Carolina also have a septic system installed.

According to data from a study in Atlanta, there were around 500,000 septic systems in the area during 2006 and it was predicted that the number would grow at least 12,000 more units per year.  Mussie Habteselassie, who is a researcher from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences said, “Home septic systems are still very common and not just in rural areas.  On-site septic systems drain into drain fields where the soil treats the waste water. The soils filter out the contaminants in the waste water before it reaches the ground water and the streams.”

The University of Georgia is currently leading a three-year study in order to find out if septic systems do affect water quality.  Water samples have been taken several times during a year in order to determine what septic systems can do to underwater canals and rivers.  The samples have been taken during both wet and dry seasons, which will give a much better explanation of what goes underground and how much contamination a septic system can produce, if any at all.

People are under the impression that septic systems take away water from their streams and rivers, but the recent study’s results are proving that septic systems could in fact help to increase the overall level of water in these kinds of settings.  The time of year and season seems to influence the amount of water that septic systems supply to streams and rivers, but further samples during 2014 will yield more information about this.

There is still a lot of uncertainty about the bacteria and residues that septic systems can send to rivers and streams, but the studies are proving that these systems do not affect the water in our environment and that septic water is naturally treated thanks to the soils composition and other climate factors.

At Lake Norman Septic, we worry about our environment and we are always looking to find new eco friendly methods for improving your home.  Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or to get an answer to some of your questions.   We are always ready to help you out and we want to make your home feel comfortable for you.

Watch Out For These Germy Household Items

Cleaning your home, should be one of the top priorities in your life.


Cleaning Your Home

In this blog post, we will tell you about the benefits of keeping your home clean and which parts of your home, you should focus your attention more on.  The following, is a list of household items that usually have lots of germs on them and you should try to either stop using them or clean them more regularly.

  • Kitchen Sponges – While these items, are commonly used to clean countertops, dishes and other household items, the truth is that they are usually filled with germs and this means that you are actually not cleaning as well as you might think you are. It is a very smart idea, to always clean your kitchen sponge after every use and you can do this, by rinsing it in hot water and letting it fully dry on a clean surface.
  • Kitchen Sinks – This part of your kitchen is known for harboring more than 500000 types of bacteria, which means you should really use your energy on cleaning it almost every day.  Using a scrub brush and a ¼ chlorine solution, with one quart of water, will get the job done.  If you cannot clean your sink every single day, try cleaning it at least once per week, as this will keep the bacteria levels down and protect your family from getting an infection.
  • Bath Towels – Mildew and bacteria can easily start to grow on towels, when they remain damp for more than 20 minutes.   This can easily increase the chances of getting rashes or other skin problems, which is why, you should try to let your towels dry well before every use and keep them as clean as possible at all times.  Airing out towels completely, will usually help you to prevent any mildew or bacteria growth.
  • Pet Beds – If you own a pet and it has its own bed, you should be really careful where you place it, as these items can gather tons of bacteria and affect your home in many ways.  You should really try cleaning your pet’s bed cover once a week, by putting it in the washing machine and rinsing it very well.  This will stop bacteria from growing there and causing you any harm.
  • Septic Systems – This is an obvious one! Septic systems are filled with filth and bacteria, which is why you need to clean them at least twice per year.  They can easily overflow or cause other problems in your plumbing system and this is why, you have to clean them out on time.

So if you are serious about keeping your home clean, make sure to focus more on these items and clean them as frequently as possible.  Keeping them clean will really reduce the chances of you getting sick and it will also make your home look a lot nicer too.

Are Sewer/Grinder Pumps Really Necessary?

If you are not aware of how septic and sewer systems work, you probably do not have an idea of how useful a sewer/grinder pumps can be and this is why you should keep on reading.  These sorts of pumps will make your sewer system work properly and they will also help to break up all of the waste that goes down your pipes.

There are many things that can go wrong with your sewer system and if you do take care of it well, you will only get yourself in more trouble and have a harder time at repairing it as well.    There are now many different types and models of sewer/grinder pumps, which mean that you should have no problem finding one that works for your sewer system and that will also, improve it a lot.

These types of pumps are not simply used for making your sewer water flow away, but they will help to keep everything in order and to prevent your septic tank from filling up faster than it should.   These are things that everyone should worry about, because not having a proper sewer system can even be the cause of some diseases and it is certainly not a very nice thing to have in your home.

Lake Norman Septic is a company established in Charlotte, NC and they have been installing and repairing sewer/grinder pumps for a long time.  They are specialists in every type of model and brand that you can find out there and they will also give you ideas of what you can do to improve your sewer system. By simply installing one of these pumps, you will see a huge improvement right away and soon you will start getting more benefits from them too.

By installing one of these sewer/grinder pumps in your sewer system, you will also be able to spend more time without cleaning out your septic tank, which will save you some money overtime and will also extend the life of your sewer system as well.  Because these pumps are not easy to install, you should always consider calling an expert, because you really do not want to wrongly install your pump, as it can lead to huge problems in the future.

In Charlotte, there is really no other company like Lake Norman Septic and this is why you can trust them to get your sewer/grinder pumps working in no time at all.  They have all the tools and equipment that they need for the job and they will also recommend you the best pumps, so that your sewer system can work to perfection.

Diagnosing and repairing sewer problems, is certainly not an easy task and this is why if you live near the 28037 Area Code, you should look up Lake Norman Septic Company and talk to their technicians.  They are more than prepared to help you with this and there is no sewer problem that they cannot fix for you right away.

Benefits of Charlotte Septic System Installation


If your home was built 25 or 30 years ago, there is a good chance that your septic systemis overtaxed and operating at less than optimal levels. Quite often, systems from that era were built to meet minimum standards which you and your family have surpassed over the years. The norm in the past was for the system to accommodate a family size of four or fewer. Undoubtedly, your needs have expanded to reflect the requirements of larger families and different lifestyle.

Your system may be on the verge of failing. Before that occurs, you should consider updating your antiquated septic system installation. The Collier family, who own and operate this family owned septic business have over a half century of experience behind them. They will size your new system to meet your expanded needs. If your family has grown, that translates to more showers, increased laundry loads and more daily flushes, all of which put more of a load on your current tank and field.

Sanitary Codes in the Charlotte area have changed over the years as well. Many communities now require that sewer and grinder pumps be installed in your sanitation lines. Over the years, we have provided complete sewer service to large parts of the Charlotte metro area. Our services run the gamut from clearing backed up septic systems and clogged drains to installing complete sewer infrastructures for entire new housing communities.

To this day, we categorize ourselves as full-service, highly-skilled septic technicians, who stand ready to take care of all your sewer needs and emergencies. We ask that you remember us, the leading Charlotte septic system installation and repair company for all your septic needs. Whether you are faced with an emergency or require maintenance or repairs, a phone call will have our expert technicians to your home in a timely manner.

Our phone number is (704) 483-5125. No matter what your septic issue might be, we can help.